Thursday 11 April 2013

Press Release

St Ives and Beyond…
A virtual exhibition
curated by Samantha Ellis
Opening 15th April 2013 4pm

Featured artists…Peter Lanyon, Patrick Heron, Ben Nicholson, Alfred Wallis and Kurt Jackson

St Ives and Beyond takes the viewer on a virtual tour through a group of paintings by artists past and present living and working in Cornwall… from the historic St Ives Group to contemporary Kurt Jackson… an attempt to bring together in this exciting exhibition works which give the viewer a unique perspective of art from this beautiful county…

Peter Lanyon (1918-1964) an English painter and sculptor and a member of the St Ives group of artists Lanyon’s work makes direct reference to the local landscape and the life of the Cornish people. Lanyon’s view of the county was drastically altered when he took up gliding a past time which would eventually lead to his demise. Lanyon here gives us a real feeling of how he perceived the Cornish Landscape and life in a beautiful but scarred county.

Patrick Heron (1920-1999) – celebrated artist Heron formerly a textile designer moved to Cornwall in 1956 where with the influence of the American abstract artists he turned to abstract painting. Herons work here gives us a bold view looking through a window onto the Cornish Landscape.

Ben Nicholson (1894-1982) – working in Cornwall from 1939 to 1958 Nicholson is best known as a pioneer of British abstract art. A member of the St Ives Group he is also credited with the discovery of Alfred Wallis. In this exhibition Nicholson’s works give the viewer a unique abstracted view of aspects of Cornwall and Cornish life.

Alfred Wallis (1855-1942) – a fisherman from childhood Wallis only started to paint after the death of his wife in 1922, considered as naïve by many Wallis regarded his paintings as impressions of his experiences his use of ‘Cornish’ colours and his unique take on perspective bring to this exhibition a refreshing taste of life from the view of a working man.

Kurt Jackson (1961-) – a British painter whose large canvases reflect a concern with natural history, ecology and environmental issues. Moving to Cornwall in 1984 Jackson continues to paint drawing inspiration from the Cornish Landscape. The works shown here give the viewer a mixed media view of the Cornish Landscape through the eyes of the artist. 

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